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Excellent Hospital Presidents must be Strategic

“Excellent presidents must be strategic, as the most important management in hospital is strategic management”, Deng Shaoping, the president of Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences and Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, pointed out on the 8th U.S.-China Health Summit.

DENG Shaoping

DENG Shaoping, President of Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences and Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital

Hospital CEO's Forum (Part 2): ” Strategic Improvement of Quality and Management in Tertiary Public Hospitals“

“What's more important than strategic management is leadership which is the priority among priorities in hospital management”, Deng Shaoping said, “therefore to achieve strategic development in hospitals, the presidents have to be strategic”.

Excellent presidents could never be ‘led by the nose’, rather they should grasp the integrating power and wholeness of the strategies. The strategies should be prospective and doable. Certainly, the constitution of any strategy should take into consideration the characteristic of the hospitals in order to allow for creative measures which are proactive on the basis of the prediction.

Most importantly, the strategies should be practical. Only so can they be accomplished. How can a hospital manager improve his/her leadership? Deng Shaoping pointed out that excellent presidents should conduct self-management, study and improve themselves. Hospital is a knowledge-intensive unit, so the presidents should improve their ability of strategic thinking”.

Deng Shaoping highlighted, “it is for the presidents to think about how to achieve patients and staff satisfaction and how to shorten the distance from the prestigious hospitals through the perspective of medical education and research”.

Public hospitals are facing many challenges and operation is one of them. Deng Shaoping introduced that under such context, Sichuan Academy of Medical Science & Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital has generated three development strategies:

1. Overall Development Strategy – push forward medical service, medical R&D, medical education, and health services together;

2. Alliance Development Strategy – promote medical confederation construction and relevant work;

3. All-fields Development Strategy – get involved in the all fields of health care industry.

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