The Crux of the Insufficiency of Chinese Doctors is not “Quantity” but “Quality”
“Recently we have been expanding our enrollment, saying that the number of doctors per thousand people in China is much lower than that...

Excellent Hospital Presidents must be Strategic
“Excellent presidents must be strategic, as the most important management in hospital is strategic management”, Deng Shaoping, the...

China and U.S. will Develop In-depth Cooperation on Health Care
The 8th U.S.-China Health Summit was inaugurated on October 12th, 2018 in Chengdu City, China. At the opening, Liu Qian, President of...
Large Hospitals should not Become the Center of Medical Services
William Haseltine suggests that large hospitals should not become the center of medical services, and people-oriented integrated...

Harvard Faculty Present at the 8th U.S.-China Health Summit
(Chengdu, China) The U.S.-China Health Summit, a high-level conversation platform dedicated to the advancement of global health, hosted...
Delivering People-Centered Integrated Care (PCIC)
"It’s hard to cure people with chronic diseases if they only receive a brief treatment. They need constant care throughout the course of...