Stroke Centers Construction
“China now is among one of the nations with highest incidence rates of stroke. At present, there are over 12 million stroke patients in...

Preventing & Screening for Breast Cancer — What’s Special for Chinese Women?
"Breast cancer is a major killer of female tumors worldwide, both in terms of the number of cases and the number of deaths. In the United...

Primary Care is not Equal to Low Quality
"Pramary Care is not equal to low quality, and it should take development as the top priority." Liu Liqun, the Deputy Director-General of...

Universal Health Coverage: International Movement and Chinese Practice
“Universal health coverage is not about providing every person with free medical care. This target can never be achieved. It’s more about...

Standardizing Management to Promote Hospital Innovation and Development
In Fudan University’s China's Best Specialist Reputation and Best Hospital Ranking, West China Hospital ranks second in the whole country...

Many Diseases Have a Foreshadowing in Infancy
“Every adult has experienced childhood, and we discovered during research that some diseases of adults may have a foreshadowing in the...

Strengthening Medical Safety with Continuous Quality Improvement
"Medical safety is the bottom line of hospital work and healthcare quality is the lifeline for hospital development. Every hospital...

Healthy City and Public Health
Experts from China and the United States exchanged ideas on healthy cities, integration of medicine and sports, and healthy housing at...

Chronic Disease Becomes the Most Prominent Health Issue in China
“Currently we have more than 270 million patients suffering from chronic diseases. In 2016, direct medical economic burden of chronic...

It's Necessary to Build an Active Health System in Prevention of Chronic Diseases
“While strengthening the healthcare system, we must construct a new proactive health system.” On October 12, at the 8th U.S.-China Health...