Themed “Megatrends in Health and Healthcare,” the 7th U.S.-China Health Summit will focus on:
1) the changing world and emerging health challenges;
2) megatrends in health and medical sciences and technology;
3) megatrends in healthcare service innovation.
Boston Part Speakers & Topics

Mark Elliott
Vice Provost for International Affair, Harvard University
Opening Remark

William Haseltine
Chairman and President, ACCESS Health International, Inc.
“Aging Care Around the World”

Arthur Kleinman
Professor of Medical Anthropology in Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School
“Global Mental Health Issues"

LIU Yuanli
Dean, PUMC School of Public Health
“Public Health Achievements and NCD Challenges in China”

Ezra Vogel
Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences Emeritus, Harvard University
“From Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping: the New Era of China”

Kyu Rhee
Vice President and Chief Health Officer, IBM Watson Health
"Future of Health is Cognitive"

Randall Moore
President, Mercy Virtual Health
“Virtual Health"

David Blumenthal
President, Commonwealth Fund
“ObamaCare, TrumpCare, and the Future of US Healthcare”

DENG Shaoping
President, Center of Translational Medicine, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
“China’s Comparative Advantage and Weakness in Medical Research and Translation”

Robert Huckman
Albert J. Weatherhead III Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
“Making Healthcare a Consumer Product"

Donald Ingber
Funding Director, Harvard Wyss Institute
“Breakthrough Discoveries Cannot Change the World If They Do Not Leave the Lab”

Alan Trager
Founder and Director, Public-Private Partnerships Initiative; Chief Specialist, International Comparative Research, Tsinghua University Center for PPP Research (TUPPP)
“Mobile Health in China: A Case Study on Wenchuan”

Peter Juhn
Vice President and Global Head of Value-based Partnerships, Amgen
“Value-Based Contracting”

Darren Toh
Associate Professor, Department of Population Medicine at Harvard Medical School
“Using Electronic Health Data for Post-marketing Safety Drug Surveillance and Comparative
Effectiveness Research”

MA Jing
Associate Professor, Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School
“Status of Healthcare workforce in China: Report from Two National Surveys”

Bill Sibold
CEO, Sanofi Genzyme
"Healthy China 2030 – Investing in Healthcare, Economic Growth and Patient Access"

LIU Jingwei
Director of Healthcare Innovation, China Electronic Sciences Inc.
“Developing a People-Centered Active Care Model in China”

Brent James
CTO, Intermountain Healthcare
“Strategies to Lower Costs, Improve Quality, and Engage Patients”

Steve Chen
Founder and CEO, Third-Brain Research Institute
“Supercomputers Grid for Healthcare Cloud and Brain/Cancer Research, Genetics Engineering, Precision Medicine and Cancer Immunology Therapy”

John Spengler
Akira Yamaguchi Professor, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
“Cities, Climate Change & Health: A Future Not Informed by the Past”

ZHAO Dongsheng
Professor, Institute of Health Service and Medical Information, Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences
“Using Big Data for Stroke Prevention and Control in China”
Click here to see Beijing Part Speakers & Topics
If you have any questions, feel free to email us at: info@uschinahealthsummit.org
and we will reach out to you shortly.